Blog: 2016

These are the 34 blog posts for 2016. Older is 2015. Newer is 2017. There is also a complete archive.

December 2016

Wed 28:

D’oh: 4.3.1   #coverage

Tue 27: 4.3   #coverage

Thu 22:

Finding test coupling   #debugging #development #testing

Sat 17:

Dragon iterators   #puzzles

Sat 10:

Who Tests What   #coverage

November 2016

Mon 7:

Mac un-installs   #mac

Thu 3:

One of Them   #politics

October 2016

Sat 29:

Multi-parameter Jupyter notebook interaction   #jupyter

Sat 22:

A failed plugin   #development

September 2016

Thu 29:

Computing primes with CSS   #css #hacks

Mon 5:

Don’t follow me on Instagram   #online #photos

August 2016

Thu 25:

Walks in the morning   #autism #friends-&-family #parenting #walking

Thu 18:

Lists vs. Tuples   #python

Thu 4:

Breaking out of two loops   #python

July 2016

Wed 27: 4.2   #coverage

Tue 5: 4.2 beta 1   #coverage

June 2016

Thu 16:

Math factoid of the day: 54   #math #me

Sun 5:

Loudest guy in the room   #experts #people

May 2016

Mon 30:

PyCon 2016: Machete-mode debugging   #pycon

Fri 27: 4.1   #coverage

Sun 15:

Ben portrait   #art #friends-&-family

Wed 11:

Generator comprehensions   #history #python

Tue 10: 4.1b3 and the truth about   #coverage

April 2016

Wed 13:

Two great jugglers: Koblikov and Hayashi   #juggling

Tue 12:

Alex Nair Bhak, 1997–2016   #obituaries #parenting

Sat 2:

Lato’s unfortunate ligatures   #typography

March 2016

Wed 9:

13-year-old game, 11-year-old programmer   #gatherings #online

Sun 6:

John Higginson Cabot   #boston #history #obituaries

February 2016

Sat 13:

Stellated icosahedron shirt   #juggling #math

Thu 11:

The value of unit tests   #audio #python #testing

January 2016

Sun 24:

Python testing, book and podcast   #python #testing

Fri 22:

Collecting pings from software?   #help

Sat 16:

Isolated @memoize   #python #testing

Sun 10: 4.1b1   #coverage