I wrote a simple thing to watch the progress of GitHub Actions: watchgha.
I started by using gh run list, and tailoring the output, but that required running the command obsessively to see the changes. Then I tried gh run watch, but I didn’t like the way it worked. You had to pick one action to watch, but my branch has two actions that run automatically, and I need to know when both are done. Plus, it lists all of the steps, which makes my complex action matrix fill more than a screen, so I can’t even see the progress.
So I wrote my own. It buckets together the start times of the runs to present them as a coherent run triggered by a single event. It keeps showing runs as long as they have a new action to show. It presents the steps in a compact form, and collapses jobs and runs once they succeed.
Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.
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