20 years of blogging

Monday 7 March 2022

This blog is 20 years old today. My first post ever was My first job ever. 20 years later, this is my 2545th post.

It’s tempting to write a philosophical piece about the meaning of it all, and provide some grand perspective. But there is no overarching narrrative to this blog. It’s just been a place to write things and connect with people in various ways.

Here are some popular deep cuts you might have missed over the years:

Often I write about what’s going on with my autistic son Nat:

Of course, there’s lots of Python and other technical stuff:

Looking back 20 years at the early posts, many of the things I liked and linked to are gone. But for whatever reason, the puzzle-makers, geometers and type designers seem most durable. Here are some that are still around (and mostly look their age!):

I’m not sure what else to say about 20 years of blogging. I’m still doing it.


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