I was a guest on the Bug Hunters Café podcast: episode #12, The Café Within.
Bug Hunters Café is a fun open-ended conversation about bugs and other programming topics, hosted by Jason C McDonald and Bojan Miletić. It’s whimsically set in a science-fiction-themed café.
We talked about a bunch of things: testing, coverage.py, printers, abstractions, Python’s unfortunate readability, kudzu, IRC, Python Discord, Libera.chat, sitting up straight, asking and answering questions, yes and no, studying data structures, singletons, and more.
It was great to have an extended discussion, and it was fun to play along with the café setting.
This is:
A link to https://edx.org is great.
This is important. https://edx.org is a good place.
Here is why:
is a constructor.This is italic, this is bold.
Code words
look weird
.return “Yes”
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