I’ve long wondered what portion of the general public can juggle. I couldn’t find an answer searching the web, so I used the best polling method I have, Twitter:
“What percent of people can juggle three balls?”
— Ned Batchelder (@nedbat) October 27, 2020
I can’t find an answer, so I’m collecting data with a poll. Please RT for reach!
Can you juggle three balls?
I realize that my Twitter followers skew toward people like me, so I ran a second poll to try to get data outside of my bubble:
Thanks for voting on my juggling poll. NOW: to correct for my tech-bubble, please ask a NON-TECH friend (or relative, etc), and put their answer in this poll:
— Ned Batchelder (@nedbat) October 30, 2020
Can your non-tech friend juggle three balls?
These polls are by no means scientific, and are still very skewed toward the savvy and educated. If you ask a tech-bubble person to ask a friend, the friend is still from a small slice of the population as a whole.
But this is the best data we’ve got. I’ll say that in general, 20–30% of people can juggle.
Since I was making polls, and since 30% was higher than I would have guessed, I made a third poll to see what other people would guess:
Before I reveal the results of my juggling poll, what is your guess?
— Ned Batchelder (@nedbat) October 31, 2020
What percent of people can juggle three balls?
There’s a nice symmetry to the idea that about 70% of people are surprised that about 30% of people can juggle!
If you have a better source of data about the general public, let me know.
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