Monday 11 March 2019 — This is six years old. Be careful.
Sometimes you find an unexpected real-world connection even in the geekiest of places. I (nedbat) was hanging out in the #python IRC channel on Freenode, and I recommended to someone that they write a Mad Libs game for a project.
Calvin Spealman (aka ironfroggy) chimed in:
[ironfroggy] didn't you write a madlibs python blog post like... forever ago?
[nedbat] yes :) 14 years ago I think.
[nedbat] my son was 13, and he just turned 27...
[ironfroggy] nedbat: fun fact: i read that when my wife was pregnant.
[ironfroggy] my son turns 13 in a few weeks.
[ironfroggy] we make games together now
[nedbat] :) i like the symmetry
My post from 14 years ago is Programming madlibs, written based on a project I did with my then 13-year-old. To think that Calvin read it on the brink of becoming a father, and now has a son the same age that mine was then, is mind-bending.
It’s kind of like a circle of life or something, but I guess it’s just a circle of Mad Libs, which is still good.
Oh, and incidentally, if I don't get around trying this in the next few months, he'll be 13 by the time we sit down to do it; I'm almost tempted to wait a bit just for that reason, LOL!
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