Saturday 13 December 2014 — This is more than ten years old. Be careful.
One of the challenging things about programming is being able to really see code the way the computer is going to see it. Sometimes the human-only signals are so strong, we can’t ignore them. This is one of the reasons I like indentation-significant languages like Python: people attend to the indentation whether the computer does or not, so you might as well have the people and computers looking at the same thing.
I was reminded of this problem yesterday while trying to debug a sample application I was toying with. It has a config file with some strings and dicts in it. It reads in part like this:
SECRET_KEY = 'you-will-never-guess'
""" secret key for authentication
""" Remap URL to fix edX's misrepresentation of https protocol.
You can add another dict entry if you have trouble with the
PyLti URL.
"https://localhost:8000/": {
"https://localhost:8000/": "http://localhost:8000/"
"https://localhost/": {
When I saw this file, I thought, “That’s a weird way to comment things,” but didn’t worry more about it. Then later when the response was failing, I debugged into it, and realized what was wrong with this file. Before reading on, do you see what it is?
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Python concatenates adjacent string literals. This is handy for making long strings without having to worry about backslashes. In real code, this feature is little-used, and it happens in a surprising place here. The “docstring” for the dictionary is implicitly concatenated to the first key. PYLTI_URL_FIX has a key that’s 163 characters long: ” Remap URL to ... URL.\nhttps://localhost:8000/”, including three newlines.
But SECRET_KEY isn’t affected. Why? Because the SECRET_KEY assignment line is a complete statement all by itself, so it doesn’t continue onto the next line. Its “docstring” is a statement all by itself. The PYLTI_URL_FIX docstring is inside the braces of the dictionary, so it’s all part of one 13-line statement. All the tokens are considered together, and the adjacent strings are concatenated.
As odd as this code was, it was still hard to see what was going to happen, because the first string was clearly meant as a comment, both in its token form (a multiline string, starting in the first column) and in its content (English text explaining the dictionary). The second string is clearly intended as a key in the dict (short, containing data, indented). But all of those signals are human signals, not computer signals. So I as a human attended to them and misunderstood what would happen when the computer saw the same text and ignored those signals.
The fix of course is to use conventional comments. Programming is hard, yo. Stick to the conventions.
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