Wednesday 7 March 2012 — This is 13 years old. Be careful.
This blog started ten years ago today, with a post about My first job ever. It’s strange to think about those ten years. At the time, it seemed late to be starting a blog, but now having a blog going back ten years makes it seem like one of the ancients.
I wrote far more frequently then than I do now, partly because of the novelty of it, partly because of time pressures, and partly because Twitter gets the shorter tossed-off ideas now. But I still value having a place to express myself when the universe moves me to.
If you haven’t been a long-time reader, the most unusual post here was about dinner at the White House, though by far the most popular post was the animated CSS Homer. Of course I find much else in the archives that I would like to point out to you, but won’t.
When I started this ten years ago, I didn’t know what would come of it. As a side project, there were no requirements on it, and I could take it wherever I felt like taking it. It’s still that way: I don’t know what topics will find their way here in the next year or ten, and I’m interested to find out.
Thanks for supplying an enjoyable 10 years of posts. Here's hoping for many many more.
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