Monday 12 December 2011 — This is more than 13 years old. Be careful.
This is one of those conceptually easy tasks that seems frequently required, and yet needs a complex incantation to accomplish. I have a series of files, and it will grow over time, and I want to clean them up, but keep the most recent N files.
After poking around the Google, I found this for deleting PATTERN, but keeping the five most recent:
ls -t1 PATTERN | tail -n +6 | xargs -r rm -r
That’s dash-t-one on the ls command. Or, in words:
- List files matching PATTERN, in descending order of modification time, in one column,
- Pass through all the trailing lines, starting with the sixth from the beginning,
- Bundle all those filenames into an “rm -r” command, but not if there are none.
That wasn’t so hard, was it??
function rm_old_files { ls -td1 "$@"| tail -n6 | while read f; do rm -i $f; done }
Using a 'read-while' loop like this lets you pipe output (as opposed to using 'find'), and without un-escaped-space problems found in other loops.
also, In ZSH you could do:
rm -i ./(.Oa[1,6])
rm -i ./PATTERN(.Oa[1,6])
I'm not sure how to re-edit my post, or add formatting...
@Chris: excellent point, -- can only make things safer.
@Ed: another good point, I should have thought about the '1' myself.
@void: in my case, the things to delete were not simple text files, but entire trees, which means I need -d on the ls command also.
I find the tail-piped-to-xargs style of solution more memorable and readable than having to work out while-read loops in shell, but that's possibly a matter of muscle memory. I use the former style much more frequently.
Personally I think I'd do this with pipes, though, it's easier to maintain that way.
You could also use GNU Parallel as sugested here
Ah, my examples just deletes the last 6, and the ZSH snippet doesn't delete directories; Your ZSH snippet is right, and the shell function would be: for another point of safety, I've used 'IFS= read -r' as well.
Also, I've discovered a weaknesss; You cannot use '-i' with rm, (or use any interactive command) as that will conflict with 'read'...
I prefer not to use find, but then there's also find2perl :-D
I hadn't run across the program before and it seems like a very nice tool -- running tools in parallel, local and remote execution, etc, etc...
Its Wikipedia article links to a couple of very nice introductory videos:
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