Max is off to NYU

Saturday 27 August 2011This is over 13 years old. Be careful.

My middle son Max is starting his freshman year at NYU in a few days. Move-in day was supposed to be tomorrow, but Hurricane Irene threw a wrench in the works, and now he moves in Monday. Getting there from Boston will still be a challenge due to the weather, so we’re all on tenterhooks watching the forecasts.

It’s been a joy having him home for his gap year, and now we get an extra hurricane day with him, but then he is off.

Of course we made a cake, themed around New York City and NYU, with a skyline of buildings, a yellow cab, the Washington Square arch, and a giant torch-like thing in honor of NYU’s symbol:

New York City cake for Max

It’s hard sending Max off, but it’s also exciting to know that he’s on a new adventure, one we can enjoy vicariously.


Congratulations on this milestone ) May he have the best of luck at NYU.

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