Looking for a Python developer

Tuesday 15 December 2009This is more than 15 years old. Be careful.

The Tabblo group is a small high-powered web development team. We build web sites and services to help explore and build new businesses within HP’s printing group. Our current work supports HP’s new line of web-connected printers. We’re looking for a skilled software engineer to join our tight-knit group of developers.

We need someone who can jump into a project with both feet. If you don’t know the technologies needed, you can learn them quickly with a minimum of fuss. Good overall engineering skills are a must, as well as a passion for delivering polished software even in demanding circumstances. We build and maintain outstanding software and experiences, and would like your help to continue to do so.

To apply for the job, visit HP’s craptastic jobs board. Drop me a line if you apply, so I can make sure you don’t get overlooked by the HR flacks reviewing resumes.


Any chance of this being a telecommute job, or is on-site a requirement?
Yes, sorry, we are definitely looking for an on-site person.

Is this position in Boston, or did you all move out to California?
Thanks, Rob, another detail: the work is in the Boston area.

I have done a ton of fast paced WEB development since we both worked at Iris. I have submitted my resume for this job posting, contact me via email if you would like more details.

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