Why I got fired from Apple

Thursday 16 March 2006This is 19 years old. Be careful.

Not me, I didn’t get fired from Apple. Eirik Ott, also known as Big Poppa E, got fired from Apple. He’s a slam poet, and he has a video explaining (and demonstrating) why: Why I Got Fired From Apple. It’s a funny performance, and a funny story.

Seems to me that Apple acted foolishly. The poem was private to Apple until they fired him, and now it is becoming very public.

BTW: Anyone know why Google Video uses enormous negative numbers for their ids?


BTW: Anyone know why Google Video uses enormous negative numbers for their ids?

Because they plan to, one day, reach an enormous amount of hosted videos...?
It looks like the ID is a randomly generated 64 bit number and whatever converting to text considers it to be a signed value (long long).
Heh, Forgot to change my nick. You're probably thinking "Christ, what an asshole".
Interesting aproach on webdesign Big Poppa E has. Fond of images and maps he is, each new site ages takes to load. Changes to site painfull they are. The dark side of web-design this is.

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