Monday 12 December 2005 — This is more than 19 years old. Be careful.
After four-plus years at Kubi Software, I will soon be leaving for a new job. Antonio Rodriguez got in touch with me, and convinced me that his startup would be really interesting. I’ll be joining his small team building consumer-oriented online applications, which is very different from my current work building installable enterprise software. As I told him,
I already know all the ways enterprise software sucks. Now I’ll get to find out all the ways consumer software sucks!
Seriously though, I’m very excited to be moving into a new technical area, working in Python, and using Django. We’re going to build cool things. I can’t wait to get started.
I've excited to read you're going to be using Django; I've been reading your blog for some time now, so I'm glad I get to give something in return (in a roundabout way, anyway). I'll be watching to see what you guys build with Django.
If you'll need new hires feel free to contact me. ;-)
See ya!
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