Tuesday 29 November 2005 — This is more than 19 years old. Be careful.
Two interesting pieces: Tim O’Reilly on What Is Web 2.0, and Evan Williams on Ten Rules for Web Startups, though most of them have nothing to do with the Web. I intend to continue to work for startups, and I’ve always got my eye on Web technologies, so these are good manifestos to keep at hand.
In the Ten Rules link, also great - just a minor comment that for the first point, though excellent, doesn't come from fear of being trivial but fear of not diversifying enough. Investors must hedge their bets and manage risk, and that can make things tough when the market hasn't been clarified yet. The second rule is all too true... I've always tried to convey this same point to people by asking, what does "Amazon" have to do with books?
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