
Wednesday 16 March 2005This is 20 years old. Be careful.

As I have mentioned here in the past, my youngest son is a drawing fiend. We wonder sometimes how best to encourage his developing skill. We figure one way is to expose him to visual excellence where we can find it. That’s why I was pleased to find Drawn!, “a collaborative weblog for illustrators, artists, cartoonists, and anyone who likes to draw.” The rest of my family (me included) have an appreciation for graphic works as well, so I expect we’ll all find things of interest there.

The original pointer to Drawn! was to Spamusement (“Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines!”), but in keeping with the kid-art theme, I also enjoyed Lizette Greco, who make physical artifacts (toys, bags, and so on) from drawings by her young children.

Another interest my kids share is how movies are made, and a recent favorite movie is The Iron Giant, so we all enjoyed the post about Whatever happened to.. Mark Whiting, the art director for the movie, complete with links to concept art for the animation. Cool!


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