Tuesday 15 June 2004 — This is close to 21 years old. Be careful.
Glen Whitman has been compiling a list of The Two Things: pithy wisdom summing up the core of any subject in two items. Some are honest attempts at encapsulating a topic:
The Two Things about Project Management:
1. The schedule will slip.
2. It’s about how you manage the schedule slippage.The Two Things about History:
1. Everything has earlier antecedents.
2. Sources lie, but they’re all we have.
Some have a grain of truth but are mostly just funny:
The Two Things about Binary Systems:
One: 0
Two: 1The Two Things about Web programming (as it is mostly done in the real world):
1) Control-C
2) Control-V
His original blog post on the topic includes more Two Things in the comments. And the emphasis on Two reminds me of this old joke.
One: 1
Two: 10
or, at least
Zero: 0
One: 1
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