Spybot search & destroy

Saturday 13 September 2003This is over 21 years old. Be careful.

A co-worker just pointed me to this great spyware removal tool: Spybot Search & Destroy. It’s quite comprehensive, and found all sorts of gribbly things on my computers.

A side note: Written by a European, Spybot gives you a choice of languages when starting up. I was surprised to see a white flag with a red cross displayed next to “English”. I’d always seen either the Stars and Stripes or the Union Jack used before. I thought it was a mistake. But Mooney’s Flag Detective set me straight: it’s the flag of England. The Union Jack is the flag of the United Kingdom. You learn something every day!


Count me in for another person that would recommend Spybot Search & Destroy.
Ned. You're not doing much for the image of the American stereotype. And there was me thinking you were an educated man ;o)
Yeah, I know. I felt like the ignorant American when I dug into it. At least I own up to it!
I *am* an ignorant (and intolerant) American and I know that King George's Cross was the flag of England. Sheesh.
The Union Jack is the name for the Union Flag when it is flying from the main mast of a sailing ship (normally the royal navy) but as most of us Brits get this wrong you are forgiven ;-)

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